A paper to-do list is perfectly OK, but switching to a digital one has advantages. If you like to write by hand, mark jobs off in ink or pencil, and draw arrows to indicate when priorities and deadlines change, paper is fine. However, the top to-do list applications enable you to write, arrange, and rearrange your chores more effectively. The best ones also let you to see when someone else has finished a task, and they also let you add notes, links, and files to a task. A solid to-do app is, in many ways, the ultimate productivity tool.

We search for to-do list applications that are simple to use, available on all popular platforms, and equipped with the resources you need to work effectively in order to select the finest ones. These are the top applications in this category that we tested after looking at a large number of them, followed by advice on how to select the best app for your requirements.



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