The substantial amount of personal information that users often provide to various platforms on social media is one of the main worries that users have about it. For instance, location monitoring allows the majority of social networking platforms to pinpoint your exact location at any given time. Instagram, however, just disclosed that it doesn’t provide your specific location information to any other businesses.

There have been some popular blogs circulating that claim Instagram shares your precise location information with other IG users, according to a recent tweet (via BBC News). People were understandably anxious about the app as a result. The business, though, is pushing back against these allegations.

According to Instagram, your precise location information is never shared. You can tag a location in a post if you’re at that location and want to talk about it. You can tag the Eiffel Tower in a photo if you’re posed near it. Your followers will be able to see additional postings about the Eiffel Tower if you choose to do so in this manner.

Advertisement The problem is that in order to achieve that, Instagram needs to know your exact location. People worry about what will happen to that data if Instagram obtains it (lets be honest, part of the reason for the fear is because Instagram is owned by Meta).

Instagram Comms wrote a quick thread discussing the issue in response to the overwhelming anxiety. The company’s PR department’s official Twitter account is Instagram Comms.

We don’t divulge your location to anyone, just to be clear. We use precise location for things like location tags and maps functionality, just as other social media firms.

Advertisement Additionally, the account suggested that you might modify Instagram’s app settings to limit access to your location. If you feel safer, you can completely disable access to your location. If you don’t believe Instagram’s assertions, this might be the better choice.


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