With select PlayStation Studios games now available on PC and a prospective new launcher to house those games, it’s an exciting moment to be a PlayStation fan. Evidence has reportedly been discovered that would indicate Sony wants to publish its own PlayStation launcher for the PC games it moves over, according to a recent Video Games Chronicle report.

According to the allegation, data from the most recent PlayStation Studios release contained references to the launcher. Spider-Man in Marvel’s Remastered. This is the only game that has mentioned a PC launcher so far. It is not mentioned at all in previously released games like God Of War and Horizon Zero Dawn. What Sony’s official strategy is is unknown. However, it seems that there are a few theories.

A PLAYSTATION PC LAUNCHER COULD permit Sony to sell its games exclusively. Sony does not currently host any games created by PlayStation Studios. Simply put, Sony lacks a PC-based marketplace for their PC game catalog. The Epic Games Store and Steam, however, both list them. where a portion of the game sales go to the corporations who create those customers.

Advertisement Sony might be able to solely offer and sell its first-party PC titles with the use of a PlayStation PC launcher. Additionally, it’s conceivable that Sony has no such plans. VGC speculates that Sony might want to keep the games available through other storefronts. Offer players the choice to buy them from a PlayStation launcher as well, though. if they so desire.

And with another tidbit that VGC discovered in the Spider-Man Remastered game files, that option becomes a great deal more plausible. attaching a PSN account.

PSN account linking may soon be available for PCs as well. Sony might want to let users connect their PSN accounts to their PCs. If so, the most sensible place to do that would be a PlayStation PC launcher.

Advertisement And that can result in several minor bonuses for gamers that take this path. Consider awards, for example. The trophy system for Sony’s first-party games may be integrated into the PlayStation PC client via PSN. similar to Sony’s PS4 and PS5 systems, allowing players to collect trophies by successfully completing particular tasks within games.

Account connection might also result in rewards provided by the game’s development studios themselves. PSN linking incentives are referenced in the same Spider-Man Remastered files that also discussed PSN account linking. It’s also important to note that Insomniac no longer uses PSN account connection, despite possibly having planned to do so in the past.

Sony has released a few other PC games in addition to Spider-Man Remastered. Days Gone, Horizon Zero Dawn, and God of War. This year, Sony also intends to release Uncharted: Legacy Of Thieves Collection and Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales on PC.


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