In my experience, most gaming seats have a similar feel, however the Respawn FLEXX is not your typical gaming chair. It combines the best of both worlds by being both an ergonomic chair and a gaming chair. Despite having certain comfort elements that won’t wreck your back throughout lengthy sessions, you still get that slick gaming aesthetic. Since I typically work all day in a chair and then play video games for an additional several hours after work, I’ve been testing the Respawn FLEXX for a few weeks.

And because I spend so much time sitting down each day, I place a high priority on maintaining my back, neck, and joints. Which is why I can no longer spend any significant amount of time sitting in standard gaming chairs. The unfortunate thing about that is that I typically like some of the designs that conventional gaming seats have to offer. And with the Respawn FLEXX, it need not be abandoned. In fact, I believe it to be more attractive than the majority of existing standard gaming chairs. even a few of Respawn’s.

Having said that, there is a lot to discuss regarding the FLEXX. Do you really want to spend your cash on this? Why, if so? I really believe that selecting a gaming chair shouldn’t be done casually. even if you don’t spend your entire day there like I do. You will eventually find yourself spending a lot of time sitting in it, after all. And if you don’t protect your back and neck, that will undoubtedly start to affect you over time. So let’s get into all of that information below.


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Sincerely, I think that the FLEXX is a gaming chair first and an ergonomic chair second. The ergonomic advantages to support the health of the back and neck are incorporated into its basic features and design. But if you really adore the gaming design, it looks fantastic from the outside like a gaming chair. As though it were donning some video game armor.

I can’t emphasize enough how much more inviting the chair becomes as a result of this. Respawn created something in the middle by fusing the best elements of the general gaming aesthetic with more subdued ergonomic designs.

And as a result of this choice, the FLEXX is improved. No huge, thick racing seat back covered in low-quality PU leather is present. While synthetic leather is present, it is only used in accent pieces. like the headrest, a tiny portion of the front of the seat, and the wings that feather out from the sides of the back. The remainder is mesh. This, in addition to looking great, also has the practical benefit of keeping you cool after spending hours in a chair.

Advertisement Additionally, this design is a much better option in warmer areas. Phoenix used to be my home. And before to switching to an ergonomic chair, I was seated on a classic racing-style gaming chair that was fully PU leather coated. which throughout the summer was horrible. Overall, the FLEXX’s design is quite svelte while yet incorporating the ideal amount of gaming flair.


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Without a doubt, sliding seats are not overvalued. Additionally, you ought to purchase a gaming chair with one if you can. primarily because they accommodate both small and tall persons easier. I’m not very short, but I’m also not particularly tall. Additionally, the chair’s sliding seat made it simple to adjust for comfort so that my feet wouldn’t dangle while I sat for hours at a time. And maybe more crucially, my legs were at the proper position for comfort and blood flow.

With the special lever on the left side, adjusting the seat sliding is also quite simple. Therefore, you can adjust the situation as needed, or if you’re like me, you can put it up to find the ideal sleeping position before leaving it there permanently.

Advertisement The fact that it can be shared with others in a gaming chair also makes it a great option for them. Suppose a family. Since everyone who uses it has a different height, the seat can be swiftly modified to fit everyone. Again, this is a function intended to support general ergonomic health, and believe me when I say that it makes a difference. Performance mesh is also used to make the seat and back. This is intended to support you going forward.

Additionally, the mesh offers better airflow to keep you cool. It’s interesting that Respawn is releasing a new chair with a seat made of heat-dispersing gel to keep you cool.


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Although I have loved using the FLEXX and it has many positive aspects, it is not without flaws. The chair may have been made better overall by having a metal base for an even more sleek appearance because the plastic base feels a little cheap.

Advertisement The wheels, however, are where I personally believe the chair is weakest. If I’m being completely honest, they’re bad. They don’t roll well on carpet and feel less durable than the base. Which is a problem for me because I frequently have to roll the chair away from my desk and back when getting in and out of it.

Having used the Mavix M9 before I began testing the FLEXX, however, I may be a touch spoiled because it has rollerblade-style wheels that provide the impression of floating on air. The good news is that if you desire, you should be able to quickly switch the FLEXX’s stock wheels for any aftermarket rollerblade-style wheels. which I would strongly advise doing.

It’s also important to note that I don’t really like the arms. In the past few years, every chair I’ve bought or tested has included 4D arms that can move in a variety of ways to reach the perfect position for comfort. Although I can appreciate that the FLEXX’s arms can move up and down and forward or backward, there is no way to modify the width. So you’re stuck with the default width, which might not be a big deal for certain people whose arms naturally rest at a wider angle. Although not a deal-breaker, this is clearly a minor impediment.


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AH Respawn FLEXX Review 9


Another fantastic feature of the FLEXX? the reclining with tension. You may adjust the tension under the seat so that your back is supported while sitting and leaning backward by turning the tension knob. If you wish to keep the recline at that angle while playing games or simply relaxing in the chair and watching a movie or show, you can lock the recline in place.

Compared to most gaming seats, this way of recline is considerably better and simpler to use. This is a pull-up lever that often rests on the right side of the chair and that you can pull up to release the lock before letting go once you’ve found the ideal angle. Yes, the pull-up lever functions. However, using it feels more difficult, and with the FLEXX’s tension feature, you can always lean back at the drop of a hat and lock the under-seat when you don’t want to lean back any farther.

Advertisement This is what Respawn refers to as their Syncro Tilt Recline, and it works to assist straighten your spine when you lean back while simultaneously improving blood flow to your legs. Lean back to make all that fall into place, doing so in a way that lengthens your torso. If you frequently sit down to play video games for hours at a time, it will undoubtedly enhance overall comfort, and your back will appreciate it.

ARE YOU SUITABLE FOR THE RESPAWN FLEXX? I believe that the FLEXX has a sizable market, and that market includes just about any gamer or remote worker who isn’t looking to spend upwards of $1,000 or more on a chair that will meet their demands. I won’t say that the FLEXX is anything close to a product like the Herman Miller Logitech G Embody gaming chair, but it does offer useful ergonomic features at a far lower price.

So, yes. Purchase the Respawn FLEXX. If you want an ergonomic gaming chair that somewhat resembles a gaming chair while still providing support. The FLEXX feels like a fantastic value at $399, especially when compared to typical gaming chairs from other companies that cost the same amount.

Advertisement Ash, Rage Red, Tan, Teal, and Black are the five colors available for the Respawn FLEXX, which is also available straight from Respawn on Amazon for $399.

Respawn Flexx


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