Kashmir is the place to be if there is a paradise on earth. The location’s scenic beauty equals the beauty of the words used to describe it. The natural world is abundant in Jammu and Kashmir. However, there has been a significant loss of the area’s flora and animals in recent years. The list of Jandamp;K Endangered Animal, Plant, and Bird Species can be found below.

Jandamp;K endangered species: According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s classification system, an endangered species is one that is predicted to go extinct soon (IUCN). You may see a list of the threatened plant, animal, and bird species in Jandamp;K here in this post. After Critically Endangered, Red List is the IUCN’s second-most-used conservation status for wild populations (CR).

The list of Jandamp;K Endangered Birds, Plants, and Animals is provided below.

The IUCN Red List classified 2655 plant and 3079 animal species as endangered (EN) globally in 2012. According to the IUCN Red Data Book, several animal and bird species in the Jandamp;K region fall into the category of endangered species. In our earlier post, we also discussed the endemic species of Jandamp;k.

JK Endangered Species: Animals, Birds, and Plants

LIST OF ENDANGERED SPECIES OF ANIMALS, PLANT SPECIES, AND BIRDS IN JANDAMP;K Now that you’ve seen the list of J and K’s threatened plant, animal, and bird species. We can tell you a lot more than that. We divided them into three groups—flora, fauna, and birds—and described their condition and geographic distribution for each.


Jandamp;K Endangered Species of Animals

LIST OF ENDANGERED BIRDS IN JANDAMP;K The following is a list of bird species that are Jammu and Kashmir endangered:

List of indigenous animals and birds from India is also worth reading.

LIST OF ENDANGERED FLORA SPECIES IN JANDAMP;K Due to overexploitation, several plant species in Jandamp;K are now in danger of extinction. The list of endangered species in Jammu and Kashmir according to IUCN category is as follows:

Visit All pin codes of Jammu and Kashmir too

CONCLUSION The list of Jandamp;K Endangered Species of plants, animals, and birds has been mentioned in this blog. The International Union for Conservation of Nature provided all the data on this page (IUCN). Please share any questions or concerns you may have in the comments section.

I’ll provide information on the endemic species of the Jandamp;K region in my subsequent post.


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