Recently, Samsung has begun giving some of its older smartphones a fresh coat of paint. We already know that the business updates devices as ancient as the Galaxy S7’s GPS, but now it’s going much further. Millions of Galaxy phones that aren’t supported by Samsung are receiving upgrades.

We were all shocked to see the Galaxy S8, which was released back in 2016, receive some love from Samsung after it officially stopped receiving support in 2020. Although the company does provide the finest software support of any Android maker, it seems out of character for the business. The Galaxy Note8 and the Galaxy S8 were among the additional phones.

NOW, SAMSUNG IS UPDATING MILLIONS MORE UNSUPPORTED PHONES. The fact that Samsung is still releasing upgrades for its venerable phones suggests that the Korean tech giant was not finished with them. The company is updating both newer and older phones, in addition to providing updates to more phones.

Advertisement The GPS is coming to the Galaxy A7 (2018), Galaxy S5 Neo (2015), Galaxy S6 (2015), and the Galaxy Alpha, according to Sam Mobile (2014). These phones are still thought to be in use by more than 500 million people.

It goes without saying that these are extremely outdated gadgets, and the majority of them probably don’t even switch on anymore. Samsung nonetheless felt the need to send the updates. You should finally be able to get the update if you own one of these phones.

Keep in mind that these updates solely impact the phone’s GPS tracking abilities. Both new feature and security updates are not provided to you. Therefore, if you’re still using the Galaxy Alpha, which is 8 years old, as your primary phone, you should think about switching to a new model. Newer and safer software will be on a phone. Additionally, the battery will be much stronger and less likely to malfunction.


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