Mark Hirst, a former editor-in-chief of Sputnik News UK, RIA Novelist, and a more seasoned broadcast journalist, was exonerated of the charges that he had threatened female witnesses who had testified against the former first minister of Scotland Alex Salmond.

Let’s quickly review Alex Salmon’s case before moving on to the day’s big focus. Alex Salmond, a former first minister of Scotland, was charged with assaulting the ladies sexually.

Supporter of Alex Salmond Mark Hirst posted a brief, two-minute video on his own site. He was accused of threatening the women who were called as witnesses in Alex Salmond’s trial in the video.

According to Hirst, there are powerful SNP ministers involved in the matter who have plotted to discredit the former first minister’s reputation.

Despite the fact that the former first minister of Scotland has since been exonerated of all allegations. In a YouTube video, the independent contractor Mark Hirst said that the police had rudely approached his home, verbally harassed him, and then taken him to the police station.

He said that he was in the police station awaiting his court-ordered trial. His right to free speech and expression was also emphasized. He desires an autonomous nation where everyone has the freedom to talk and publish. He is a freelancer.

Below, you can watch the Youtube video he shared following the incident.

With regard to the accusations that blogger Mark Hirst threatened the victims’ witnesses in the sexual assault lawsuit against former first minister Alex Salmon, Hirst seems unconcerned. However, this occurrence might be considered as a direct danger to Scotland’s sense of national identity and freedom of speech.

Keep checking deasilex for additional updates and the most recent news from Scotland.
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