Users who use the Hold For Me function found on Google Pixel-branded phones will reportedly hang up on them. That is based on recent Reddit posts that have been reported. At least one Redditor user, powerbird101, claims the organization told them the capability isn’t available when phoning the IRS. That was followed by a hasty phone termination by hanging up.

The incident took place after the user of a Pixel 6 Pro attempted to contact the IRS but was put on hold by the organization. An agent finally answered the phone after almost an hour and a half. However, the agent allegedly called out the user for activating the AI assistant for the call after learning that it was going to fetch the user.

The agent specifically said that Hold For Me and any other Google-built holding features, whether they are being used on a Pixel phone or not, will prevent the IRS from accepting calls from anyone. Then, without giving the Pixel-user a chance to speak, the representative abruptly hung up.

Advertisement IS THE IRS HOLD FOR ME OR JUST A GOOGLE PIXEL PROBLEM, PLEASE? The fact that the Agent mentioned Google in response to the feature being used originally confused P owerbird101. The IRS’s hazy description of the issue suggests that Google or the Pixel may not actually be the issue. even using the Hold For Me function. Not particularly, at least, even if the functionality has had other problems in the past.

Other Redditors joined the conversation and cracked jokes about what the IRS may do if Apple came up with a function comparable to this. or to discuss personal stories.

Some users claim that banks and financial institutions who used the feature appeared to have similar thoughts. For instance, Capitol One reportedly voiced anxiety that the conversation would be interrupted by someone else. The main issue is probably connected to user privacy and call recording. The IRS does, in fact, have a policy that limits the use of call recordings.

Advertisement If so, the feature won’t likely work while calling the IRS on either the current or future Pixels.

On the other hand, a Pixel user who claimed to be an IRS agent in the thread asserted that the offending agent failed to follow protocol. Briefly explaining that in order to reduce call times, agents are not permitted to wait on those types of services. Nevertheless, since powerbird101 was already connected to the agent, there shouldn’t have been a problem.


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