According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, an endangered species is one that has been designated as being at risk of going extinct (IUCN). You may find a list of Angola’s threatened plant, animal, and bird species in this site. After Critically Endangered, Red List is the IUCN’s second-most-used conservation status for wild populations (CR).

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Can You Help Save These Endangered Species The IUCN Red List classified 2655 plant and 3079 animal species as endangered (EN) globally in 2012. many mammal and bird species According to the IUCN Red Data Book, Angola is an endangered species.

we have mentioned the list of Angola Endangered Species of plants, animals, and birds.

The endangered animal species of Angola are listed below.

Species No. Region 1. Angola, Africa, African Elephant 2. Angola’s Golden African Cat Africa, Asia, and the African Lion 4. African Wild Dog Sub-Saharan Africa, Angola 5. Angola’s Black Rhinoceros 6. Namibia and Angola both have Black-Faced Impalas. 7. Southern Africa, Angola Brown Hyena 8. Puku, Malawi, Angola 9. Angola and the West African Manatee 10. Leopard Middle East, Africa, and Angola 11. Striped Roundleaf Bat South Africa, Nigeria, and Angola 12. Large-eared Free-Tailed Bat Asia, Africa, and Angola Angola’s Giant Sable Antelope 13. Angola, Asia: Straw-Colored Fruit Bat 15. Africa, Angola, and chimpanzees

we have mentioned the list of Angola Endangered Species of plants, animals, and birds.


The endangered bird species of Angola are listed below.

Species No. Region African White-Backed Vulture, Angola, Africa 1. 2. African Gray Parrot South Africa, Angola 3. Angola’s African penguins 4. African Skimmer Countries in Asia, the Middle East, and Angola 5. The Angola Cave-Chat 6. African, Australian, and Angolan Black-Browed Albatrosses 7. Angola and Australia’s Gray-headed Albatross 8. Angola’s Gabela Helmet-shrike 9. Angola’s Gabela Bush-shrike 10. Angola’s Gabela Akalat 11. African, Asian, and Angolan Eurasian Curlew 12. Angola Egyptian Vulture 13. Damara Tern Angola, Ghana, and South Africa Australia and Cape-Gannet, Africa 15. Cape-Cormorant South Africa, Kenya, and Angola

we have mentioned the list of Angola Endangered Species of plants, animals, and birds.


As a result of overexploitation, several plant species are now in danger of extinction in Angola. Following is a list of Angola’s Endangered Flora species according to IUCN classification.

Species No. Region 1. Angola, Nigeria, and Zambia for African mahogany 2. Angola, Nigeria, and African Pearwood 3. African Walnut Ghana, Gabon, Angola Four. Apa Angola 5. Brachystegia Angolan Bakeriana 6. Gabon and Angola’s calochone acuminate Raphia Palm, Angola, No. 7 Angola’s Nauclea Diderrichii is number eight. 9. Mikaniopsis Vitalba, from Uganda and Angola 10. Angola’s Hallea Stipulosa CONCLUSION The list of endangered flora, animals, and bird species in Angola is discussed in this blog. The International Union for Conservation of Nature provided all the data on this page (IUCN). Please share any questions or concerns you may have in the comments section.


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